St.Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Saint Thérèse of child Jesus is a teacher of the Spiritual life with a Doctrine both spiritual and profound which she drew from the Gospel sources under the guidance of the divine Teacher and then imparted to her brothers and sisters in the church with the greatest effectiveness. Sisters shall reflect and imitate various aspects of her teaching on the little way of spiritual childhood science of love, redemptive suffering, Motherhood of Mary and her love for pray, the Eucharist, the word of God the salvation of soul, and the church and passion for the mission of Jesus.(Cs no.19)

St. Faustina Kowalska
choosingSaint Faustina and her spirituality of divine mercy has a special inspiration, sisters reveal the merciful face of the Father to the world embracing every person in the mystery of suffering through various apostolic charitable and social engagements. Sister engage in interceding God's Mercy upon those who live in pain, misery, in despair. Besides this sisters translate the divine mercy into spiritual act of Mercy through retreats, catechism, counselling and corporal works of Mercy through family visits caring the old, terminal patients, the dying sheltering women in hostels, educational services and social work of various kinds.(Cs no.23)